Frequently asked questions

General Questions

You can book a tour quickly and easily by sending an email, using contact form or an inquiry form from Tours, even faster you can use WhatsApp / Viber / Telegram to book.

Yes. Free cancellation till 3 days before arrival. In case of a later cancellation or no show the deposit will be charged.

There will be no additional costs. Everything is already calculated and included in the price, shown at our website. We will not charge for gas/transport/equipment.

Guests are insured only when attending white water rafting tours.

Of course, after the tour is finished you can pay in our camp.

That is the only thing we can offer anyways. We respect your privacy and time, we want you to be comfortable, so no sharing, everything is private. Get comfy.

Yes. You can create your own package, a 11 day / 10 nights all mixed everything. 🙂 You will suggest schedule, activities and locations. We will help organize everything.

Yes, everyone, unless you're Hulk, than we don't. You are not Hulk, right?
Take a look at all the tours that we organize